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용당캠퍼스 내 회사 경로 세로형.png


404, BI Center, 365, Sineseon-ro, Nam-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea

When using a car
Pukyong National University Yongdang Campus Start-up and Childcare Center No. 43 Building

When using public transportation

[Gyeongseong & Pukyong University Station] 

Subway Line 2
[Kyungsung University Entrance 07-009]

​BUS 10, 20, 22, 24, 27, 39, 131, 155

Boarding at the village bus stop > Nam-gu 10
> [Pukyong National University Yongdang Campus Library] Get off

> Go straight 100m in the right direction
> Building No. 43 (BI) on the left, No. 404 on the 4th floor of the right-hand side

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