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‘Elmus’ design for a healthy body


※ This is a rendering image of the package of ‘Elmus Spa H’ where you can enjoy the effects of exercise while enjoying the spa.

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‘elmus’ for a healthy body

‘elmus spa h’ aquatic EMS training suits.
​Enjoy the EMS workout with elmus.

20 minutes Calisthenics workout x (EMS operation)

= 200 minutes of full body exercise

Wash away the fatigue of the day
​Workout and recover together.

제품 실증보고용 메인이미지 작업.png

Enjoy the spa and the effects of exercise with EMS.

물결 모양의 추상 배경
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EMS controlling application for
9 channel elmus equipment and
6 channel elmus equipment.

Check it out on the Google Store.

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application (for Android)

Product info

The strong stimulation on a 6 channel’s device.

Intensive core muscle care

A 20 minute Intensive care of
core muscles through EMSSPA

Please check the instructions on the link below.

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elmus aqua
 (Active aqua rehabilitation suit)
High Waist suit / Device /
Waterproof case / Buoy Case

There are four types of products,
minimize spatial restrictions
on active aquatic rehabilitation
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NAVER Smartstore

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2 types suit set

Entire body types :

9 parts 18 points

Arms, upper chest, abs, sides, waist, glutes, front tights, back thighs

Core focusing types :

6 parts 12 points

Abs, sides, waist, glutes, front tights, back tights


Operating with the APP (Android)

Operating by a dedicated application based on wireless communication can set up the strength of stimulation and training time by each muscle part.


18 types modes.

Different types of EMS stimulation modes can be set individually for exercise purposes. (muscle strengthening, cardio, recovery, massage, yoga ,and relaxation.)


9CH/6CH support a maximum of 150 Hz.

Support micro-currents for help to relieve the pain, massage, and activate muscle nerves. ( 9 channels of entire body / 6 channels of core muscles)


Exclusive waterproof

It is possible to perform various aquatic rehabilitation programs with the buoy type's waterproof case.

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Meet a new health care culture.

How about spending little time doing health care easily and conveniently with ELMUS SPA H?



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